The latest versions of ChemDoodle 2D (v11) and ChemDoodle 3D (v6) are fully supported on Windows 11 (released today) and there are no known issues. All ChemDoodle subscriptions, Lifetime and Site licenses are entitled to the latest versions of our ChemDoodle desktop software with support for the latest operating systems. You may purchase a ChemDoodle license for as little as $19.

ChemDoodle 2D and ChemDoodle 3D running on Windows 11. A structure drawn in ChemDoodle 2D is modeled in real-time in ChemDoodle 3D.
Note that versions of ChemDoodle 2D earlier than v11 and versions of ChemDoodle 3D earlier than v6 are not supported and are not tested on Windows 11, and may not be compatible. So make sure to avoid updating your working Windows installation if you want to continue using older versions. All ChemDoodle subscribers, Lifetime and Site licensees are entitled to use our latest software versions and should update ChemDoodle applications when you switch to Windows 11.