Download iChemLabs software on this page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Can I obtain your software on physical media (CD/DVD/etc.)?
No. Due to environmental concerns, iChemLabs only distributes its software digitally. The downloads are identical to the content you would receive on physical media and are always up to date. You are more than welcome to store our downloads on physical media (i.e. burn to a DVD) if you would like to archive them.
- I use Chrome OS, which product should I use?
ChemDoodle Mobile is fully supported on Chrome OS and may be installed as a native app for Chrome OS.
- I use an older version of your software that is not included on this page. Where can I download it?
We do not provide downloads older than the versions provided on this page.
- How do I install your application?
Please see our installation instructions page for help.
ChemDoodle 2D
Download v12.7.0
Latest, Supported, Updated

System Requirements
- Windows 10/11+, macOS 11+ (Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia or more recent), or Linux.
- A 64 bit (x86_64 or Apple Silicon) processor is required.
- A minimum of 1GB of memory, 2GB recommended.
Legacy Versions
- 11.13.0
Download v11.13.0
Supported, Not Updated
Click for SHA256Click for SHA256Click for SHA256Click for SHA256 - 10.4.0
- 9.1.0
ChemDoodle 3D
Download v7.5.0
Latest, Supported, Updated

System Requirements
- Windows 10/11+, macOS 11+ (Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia or more recent), or Linux.
- A 64 bit (x86_64 or Apple Silicon) processor is required.
- ChemDoodle 3D requires OpenGL v2.1 drivers.
- A minimum of 1GB of memory, 2GB recommended.
Legacy Versions
- 6.6.1
Download v6.6.1
Supported, Not Updated
Click for SHA256Click for SHA256Click for SHA256Click for SHA256 - 5.2.0
- 4.0.1
ChemDoodle Mobile

ChemDoodle Mobile is a collection of online chemistry tools. Those with an active ChemDoodle license have access to ChemDoodle Mobile and may log in. ChemDoodle Mobile is a progressive web app (PWA) that you access via the browser or install on your mobile or Chrome OS device. Just go to this link:
ChemDoodle Web Components

The downloads for the open source, GPL v3.0, versions of the ChemDoodle Web Components library are listed below. If you have a contract with iChemLabs for a proprietary build of the ChemDoodle Web Components, that download will be present in your customer portal. If you do not remember how to access your customer portal, please contact iChemLabs.