There is a feature update (v9.5) to the ChemDoodle Web Components library today. Please see below for changes. Proprietary customers should see updates to their custom builds in their customer portal. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports concerning iChemLabs software, please contact us.

Executive Summary

Version 9.5.0 of the ChemDoodle Web Components introduces a handful of new helpful features. Several issues are also corrected.


  1. Persistent IDs are now assigned to molecule objects output in ChemDoodle JSON. This is useful for a number of cases. Please see the ChemDoodle JSON documentation for more information.
  2. In the full sketcher, if you are using the save button with no services and there is no selection, an alert now reminds the user to first select a structure.
  3. You may now instruct the library to create 3D components with the WebGL context option preserveDrawingBuffer defined. This is done by setting the static ChemDoodle._Canvas3D.PRESERVE_DRAWING_BUFFER boolean. This must be set before initializing any 3D component. By default, it is false, but by setting it to true, you will be able to use the ChemDoodle Web Components API to create PNG images of the WebGL canvas. Keep in mind, by enabling this functionality, performance may be negatively impacted.
  4. The png and svg packages now include a download() function for automatically downloading the image created. Please see the Image Export page for more information.
  5. The png and svg packages now throw appropriate errors if the image cannot be created from the canvas.
  6. New functions have been added to iChemLabs cloud services. Several cloud functions have been made more advanced with additional features. Please see the iChemLabs Cloud Services page for more information.
    1. The IUPAC Naming demo now includes both a traditional name and the Attempted Preferred IUPAC Name: IUPAC Naming
    2. The stereochemistry demo now includes templates and examples for projection analysis: Stereochemistry
    3. Added a new demo for elemental analysis calculations: Elemental Analysis
    4. Added a new demo for advanced SMILES input and output, including several options: SMILES


  1. Safari recently introduced an issue where bonds and other strokes appear improperly (i.e. additional lines in bond rendering). A workaround has been included to avoid this issue while the Safari developers work on a correction.
  2. A new implementation of the function is provided for the data type URL to be compliant with browser security rules.
  3. Fixed error when initializing the EditorCanvas3D component while setting the useServices option set to false, the toolbar did not setup properly.
  4. Fixed problem initializing EditorCanvas3D components after the DOM is closed.
  5. NMR calls via Cloud services have been made much more efficient.