We are pleased to introduce version 7 of our ChemDoodle 3D software. This update is free for all ChemDoodle subscriptions, Lifetime and Site licenses. Licenses are as little as $19, and we have a free trial available at: https://www.chemdoodle.com/3d

The new ChemDoodle 3D v7 interface on macOS, showing off the new "Dark" mode (there is also a "Light" mode). ChemDoodle 3D is also fully supported with a "Dark" mode on Windows and Linux.
Executive Summary
ChemDoodle 3D v7 presents a new, refreshed interface, complementing the update to ChemDoodle 2D. We took a close look at every component, icon, window and form inside of the application to optimize and beautify our users' experience. The main interface has been reorganized. Many usability issues have been resolved. Most users will find the changes to be straightforward and the underlying chemistry functionality of the software is unchanged. In addition to the interface, the stereochemistry engine has been upgraded to our latest work, charge models may now be output for further utility, and parallel processing is now enabled by default. The user guide has also been updated.Additions
- The stereochemistry engine has been upgraded to our latest work, with highly accurate perception and CIP assignments. Please see chapter 15 of the ChemDoodle 3D user guide for more information.
- The Molecule>Save Atom Types... menu item will now output applicable charge models along with atom types.
- Parallel processing is now on by default. If you are updating, your current setting will carry forward.