We are pleased to introduce version 12.7 of our ChemDoodle 2D software. This update is free for all ChemDoodle subscriptions, Lifetime and Site licenses. Licenses are as little as $19, and we have a free trial available at: https://www.chemdoodle.com/

Search PubChem directly from ChemDoodle 2D.
Executive Summary
Version 12.7.0 is a feature update for ChemDoodle 2D. PubChem searching may now be performed directly from the application. The OLE server for Windows round-trip editing has been greatly improved (please see details below). A number of other options and improvements are included.Additions
- New PubChem searching options in the File>Interfaces menu, as well as in the Chemistry toolbar.
- The OLE server has been thoroughly improved, and is much more stable. ChemDoodle OLE objects are now compatible with the Layout and Wrap functions in Word. While much more stable, there is a known issue when activating ChemDoodle OLE objects via double-click or the right-click menu, which may lead to object corruption, but there is a workaround. Please read section 16.7.2 of the user guide before using ChemDoodle OLE objects. Round-trip editing via OLE with the copy/paste functions has no known issues and should work 100% of the time.
- There is a new option in Settings>Controls called Default Tool. You may use this option to define which tool is chosen by default when the application is opened and when a new empty document is created or selected from the tabs. Switching between documents where content exists will no longer change the active tool (unless a selection is present).
- Sections in the user guide's table of contents are now numbered in PDF viewers.
- A message to discuss context sensitive functions is now shown if any of the File>Interfaces submenus are expanded and there is no selection made in the document. This message may be disabled. The same message displayed when expanding the Structure menu will now only occur if no selection is present in the document.
- Corrected IUPAC naming issues involving cresols. Corrected a number of issues with traditional naming involving trivially substituted benzene derivatives. Corrected several edge cases involving nitrogen base chains. Molecular hydrogen is now named correctly if represented as a single label or as two atoms connected by a bond.
- Resolved issue where custom pen shape arrowheads do not point in the correct direction.
- When editing text, ctrl-X (command-X on macOS) will now perform a cut action on selected text. Strikethrough is now performed with ctrl-shift-X (command-shift-X on macOS).
- Improved rendering of the two electron bond.
- SMILES output now correctly includes double bond stereochemistry for bonds in rings.
- Corrected output of SMILES reactions if the products were drawn first.
- InChI stereochemistry output is now handled directly by the ChemDoodle stereochemistry libraries and is now just as accurate as the leading ChemDoodle system.
- Fixed bug where the wrong tab may end up being selected if multiple tabs exist and one is closed.
- Fixed issue where Search widget folder chooser is not appearing on Windows.
- Corrected the ChemSpider connection in the MolGrabber widget.
- Fixed error where PDFs pasted into ChemDoodle would cause a save file to corrupt.