We are pleased to introduce version 12.1 of our ChemDoodle 2D software. This update is free for all ChemDoodle subscriptions, Lifetime and Site licenses. Licenses are as little as $19, and we have a free trial available at: https://www.chemdoodle.com/
Executive Summary
ChemDoodle 2D v12.1 includes a "Dark" mode, new copy abilities in the Elemental Analysis widget, and support for Gaussian Input and Cube files. Reported issues were resolved, including an issue that caused the splash screen to stall for some Windows users.Additions
- The "Light" and "Dark" mode setting is now available in ChemDoodle 2D. This setting is found in the Settings window, under the Appearance tab.
- The Elemental Analaysis widget has two new copy features. (1) there is a new button on the top for copying all of the data in the widget (without the spectrum) to the system clipboard and (2) each of the mass and formula label values now allow you to right-click and copy the value to the system clipboard.
- An improved pen path smoothing algorithm is implemented.
- Gaussian Input and Cube files can now be read and written. Only the structure data will be relevant in ChemDoodle 2D. This is a preview of what is coming to the next update of ChemDoodle 3D.
- Some Windows users have reported an issue where the splash screen will appear and then stall, with no progress made. This update corrects this issue.
- Corrected issue where the tab options in the Window and File menus were not in the proper enabled states.