We are pleased to introduce version 11 of our ChemDoodle 2D software. This update is free for all ChemDoodle subscriptions, Lifetime and Site licenses. Licenses are as little as $19, and we have a free trial available at: https://www.chemdoodle.com

Before we discuss some of the new features, we just want to say thank you to all of our users and supporters over this past year. There have been a lot of changes, but our users have remained loyal and continued to provide us with wonderful advice and guidance. With our new subscription model, we have been able to provide new features for our software faster than ever before. Our goal, as always, is to produce the highest quality chemistry software at the lowest price possible. Our growing userbase continues to show us our work is making the lives of those working in chemistry easier. Now, let us discuss some of the new features in ChemDoodle 2D v11.
Stoichiometry tables: Stoichiometry tables have been the most requested feature for ChemDoodle 2D since IUPAC naming. On the surface, these calculations are really easy to compute, albeit tedious, so a program to perform them is essential if you value your time. We wanted to make sure we produced a powerful and intuitive solution, that is not just informative, but does not impose any restrictions on what the user was trying to achieve or push any specific perspective on your experiment. So, if you desire a specific amount of product or want to limit the amount of a reactant, our stoichiometry table will help you determine the remaining quantities. If you only care about theoretical values, our table separates experimental from theoretical inputs. And our stoichiometry table is the only implementation in the industry that is fully chemically aware: it automatically balances chemical equations and infers limiting components so you do the least amount of work and obtain all the information you desire.
For those that are not familiar with such features, a stoichiometry table is a form where you input theoretical and experimental values from your experiment and you will get accurate calculations for your input and results. ChemDoodle 2D's stoichiometry tables are self-calculating and based on the table shape objects introduced in version 10.2. Input reactions are automatically balanced (however you can override these stoichiometric ratios with the Equivalents row) and the limiting component is automatically inferred based on the input values. ChemDoodle 2D enforces the credibility of the calculations for the entire table, and will even warn you if your input is suspicious, for instance, if you have a percent yield greater than 100% or your excess mass is a negative value. Please read section 7.9 of the ChemDoodle User Guide for more information.
Automatic electron pushing arrows: Electron pushing arrows are a popular feature in the ChemDoodle Web Components, and we have had many requests to also include these tools in ChemDoodle 2D. They are now available. You can draw single electron, electron pair and bond forming pushing arrows automatically by setting a starting and ending atom or bond. Going futher, you can convert these pushing arrows into customizable bezier shapes, to fully control the graphics. You can also copy/paste these pushers in ChemDoodle JSON format. See section 9.13 of the ChemDoodle User Guide for more information.
Chemical data recovery from Microsoft Office files: (experimental feature) Round-trip editing is the process of embedding data from one application into another, that can then be recovered later. Chemists use this all the time when creating chemistry documents in Microsoft Word. ChemDoodle 2D has provided round-trip editing functionality on Windows, macOS and Linux since its inception and starting with version 10.4, users can paste chemical data from embedded ChemDraw images on macOS in ChemDoodle 2D.
However, there are several issues when relying on round-trip editing, as the user may not have continued access to the originating chemistry program or Microsoft Office, or may be working with an individual on a different operating system. Several times, Microsoft has removed the round-trip editing functionality in Office products. In all of these cases, the chemistry data in these files cannot be used. ChemDoodle 2D now provides a very unique solution for this problem, and can search and extract chemical data embedded in Microsoft Office files, regardless of the program they were created in, including ChemDoodle, ChemDraw, ChemSketch and Biovia Draw, and regardless of the operating system. You can now recover your chemical data from Word documents you created on Windows if you switch to Linux, and you can now edit chemical figures from a Word document on macOS with ChemDoodle from a colleague who uses ChemDraw on Windows.
This is currently an experimental feature, and we want to continue to improve it. See section 15.8.5 of the ChemDoodle User Guide for more information. If you have issues with your Microsoft Office file, please send it to us so we can improve it for you. We will discuss this feature again, later in the year, when we release another function we have been working on that complements this data recovery.
Other improvements: Many improvements are also provided in this update, including significant performance improvements, most noticeable on macOS and when editing multipage documents. Read the complete change log for ChemDoodle 2D v11 here.
To download ChemDoodle 2D v11, please visit our download page. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports concerning iChemLabs software, please contact us.
*ChemDraw and PerkinElmer are registered trademarks of PerkinElmer Inc. ChemSketch and ACD/Labs registered trademarks of ACD/Labs. Biovia is a registered trademark of Dassault Systemes.