iChemLabs has updated the privacy policy for our products, services and websites (now v3.0). We encourage you to read the updated policy here. At iChemLabs, we have always placed serious respect in working with you and collect only the data that we require to service your use of our software. iChemLabs never discloses or sells any information you provide to us to any 3rd party as described in the privacy policy.

Additionally, GDPR goes into effect today. GDPR stands for the General Data Protection Regulation and governs the use of consumer data in the European Union. We recommend all EU citizens read and fully understand these regulations in their entirety. While we are a US company, our privacy policy outlines our abidance with the GDPR regulations and reflects our already high standards for handling user data no matter where you are located in the world. As such, we now require all customers to check a box in our store when purchasing products from iChemLabs to ensure you understand your rights under our privacy policy.

You can be sure that by using iChemLabs products, you are choosing an option where your data is protected and respected. We really appreciate your continued support. Thank you for choosing to work with iChemLabs.