We are pleased to announce a new iChemLabs product called ChemDoodle 3D for advanced 3D scientific graphics! You can learn more at www.chemdoodle3d.com.

We are now conducting a free beta program for ChemDoodle 3D v2. All ChemDoodle customers are eligible. Beta testing helps us ensure the quality of the release build and also gives you a chance to make sure the software works the way you want it to. We encourage ChemDoodle customers to sign up for beta testing here: https://www.chemdoodle3d.com/beta-signup.

ChemDoodle 3D is a scientific visualization platform with a focus on user customizability and universal support. Just like its 2D counterpart, all of the graphics are fully customizable and controllable. The large feature set is well organized for intuitive access and we develop ChemDoodle 3D to work with the vast majority of graphics cards in use. So no need to worry about long installation procedures or having to purchase specific hardware. You will not be disappointed with how easy it is to get started and produce results with ChemDoodle 3D!

What is new in ChemDoodle 3D v2:

  1. Full Retina display support on Mac OS X.
  2. Support for high DPI windows hardware.
  3. The visual specifications of the scene can now be applied to selected content, or individual objects, as opposed to the entire scene. Right-click on objects to show visual options for that object. New specification quick buttons are now available for modifying residue atoms and bonds, ribbon models and nucleic acid models in addition to non-residue atoms and bonds.
  4. Protein and nucleic acid information can now be loaded from PDB files. Ribbon, trace and tube models can be generated for proteins. Ladder models can be generated for nucleic acids. The models are fully customizable. Control dimensions, alpha helix widths, coloring and more. Both B-spline and Catmull-Rom splines can be used to generate models. Water can be displayed as stars. Residue atoms can be controlled separately from hetatoms. Load PDB files by PDB id.
  5. Periodic data can now be loaded from CIF files. Unit cells of any geometry are resolved. Functions for periodic systems will be provided in the Periodic menu. Build supercells.
  6. An advanced selection system has been implemented. Select, deselect and reselect content. Select all, next molecule, inverse and by SMARTS. Use the new selection mode to select content or use the Selection window to list the contents of the scene and select the content you wish to work with. The updater window is very advanced and will show you what you are currently hovering.
  7. Fogging can now be defined in scenes using linear, exp1 or exp2 algorithms. Fog color can be defined as well as fog ranges.
  8. A compass can be added on the bottom left of the scene or through the camera’s origin.
  9. Added an option to remove shadows from text. Added projection menu items. Certified the correct 3D stereochemistry is generated from 2D drawings. Picking can now handle any number of objects.
  10. 3D scenes can now be printed.
  11. Added quick quality options in the View menu to quickly switch between a range of higher and lower quality rendering settings to allow you to improve graphics or performance.
  12. Image export now allows for transparent backgrounds in capable image types. This allows you to easily use ChemDoodle 3D generated graphics in various media with custom backgrounds.
  13. Updated to support ChemDoodle Web Components v7. Shapes can now be read/written using ChemDoodle JSON.
  14. Your iChemLabs account can now be accessed from ChemDoodle 3D. ChemDoodle 3D customers receive a free account for accessing ChemDoodle Mobile. If you also have ChemDoodle desktop, this is the same account.
  15. Dozens more improvements and additions.

Thank you for your feedback and support we really appreciate it!