We want to share with you a preview of our IUPAC naming feature coming soon to ChemDoodle. IUPAC naming has been the most requested feature of ChemDoodle, and we are dedicated to providing you with the features that you want. We really focused on an algorithm to generate high quality names, and the following online demo will allow you to try it out:


We also provide a comparison table at the bottom and references so you can judge the quality. We hope this shows our dedication to providing the highest quality informatics tools in addition to our high quality graphics and interfaces.

We also want to note that the interface you see online was created with the ChemDoodle Web Components. It will even work on your iPhone/iPad/Android devices. This powerful library is readily accessible to ChemDoodle customers and can be used for free under the open source GPL license or under commercial options to bring high quality graphics, interfaces and sketchers to your work.

Your support has been really important to us over the last 6 years and I want to thank you again. Please continue to spread the word about ChemDoodle by telling your friends, colleagues and students. Also, if you value a free mobile complement to ChemDoodle, please let us know by rating ChemDoodle Mobile 5 stars. And of course, if you need anything, please feel free to ask.