ChemDoodle 4 beta testing will begin soon. ChemDoodle 4 is a free upgrade for all customers of ChemDoodle 1, 2 or 3. We will be accepting the first 200 applicants from each operating system (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux). If you would like to get your hands on ChemDoodle 4 early, here is your chance! Just complete and submit the form below. See below for ChemDoodle 4 details.
UPDATE: (8/5) We have filled our beta testing positions and we are closing the beta testing form. All beta testers will receive further instructions before Monday night. Thank you very much for your time and support! For everyone else, ChemDoodle 4 will be a free upgrade for all customers of ChemDoodle 1, 2 or 3 when it is released after the beta testing period.
ChemDoodle 4
- A beautifully polished interface.
- Laboratory glassware clipart.
- New Elemental Analysis widget for calculating masses and formulas, elemental analysis, isotopic distributions and mass spectrometry simulations.
- Auto-rendering of implicit hydrogens in atom labels.
- New peptide sequence tool.
- Integration with your iChemLabs account to transfer structures to and from ChemDoodle Mobile.
- Updated Web Components builder to be compatible with version 4.3.0 and to work with spectra.
- OpenDocument Graphics output for better support of OpenOffice, especially on Linux.
- New rotation anchor for the lasso, to easily rotate around atoms in 2D and 3D.
- Improved NMR simulation.
- Dozens of new descriptors.
- And much more, including hundreds of issue fixes and improvements.

The new features in ChemDoodle 4